The Daily Show – Pundit School

Pundit School – Daily Show Clips

Jess Todtfeld Daily Show
We were featured. Check out the clips below.


Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” wanted to do a humorous
piece on “Pundits.” When they went looking for the top Media Training
company, they called us.

We got a bonus plug from the when they used us during the credits:

Jess Todtfeld plugging his book on The Daily Show

All joking aside
, looking better, sounding better, and having more control in front of the media is serious business. If you would like to know the real ways of leveraging media coverage, reach out to Success In Media. We are happy to chat with you, give you a quick quote, or put together a customized proposal.

Click here to contact us or Click here for a quick price quote.

-Jess Todtfeld
President of Success In Media
A Division of Results First Training




You Can Deliver the RIGHT Messages in Interviews

One of the big problems we see, are executives and spokespersons unable to get messages into stories that reflect relevant, news worthy messages that champion their cause or help sell their product.  While some will have publicity handlers that provide an organized packet of “talking points,” the reality is that only a handful of these points make it into the story.  An unprepared interviewee will only remember a few of the provided answers, and then often transition to speaking off-the-cuff.

This can be dangerous in some media situations, especially now, as misquotes will live on through the Internet and social media, making damage control as impossible as dousing a wildfire.  Interview slip-ups, now more than ever, can be costly when spokespersons fail to learn the new principles of media training.

Much has changed, even in the last two to five years, and new strategies are needed to have full control over our messages.