leadership program

What Kind of Leader Are You?

Total Leadership Connections TM

What pushes your leadership buttons?  Extraordinary leadership begins with the understanding that you are an integral part of a system.  Leadership means building a skill set that includes the whole package – a TOTAL LEADER package!  In this results oriented program, participants practice and intergrate new insights with the support of individual coaching by our seasoned facilitators.  Included are pre and post 360 degree leadership assessments.  For complete overview and syllabus for our award winning program, now in it’s 12th year.

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Are You Surrounded by Rebels, Martyrs, Drama Queens, and Super Achievers?

The GOTCHA! Game

Individual patterns of behavior like these are at the root of office politics, and cause work groups to become mired in a self sabotaging game of “Gotcha.”  Learn to deactivate these repetitive patterns and move your work group toward a higher standard of performance.  This dynamic, fun and powerful seminar will help you discover how to decode and minimize office politics and create an environment to improve morale and office culture so everyone feels valued and invested in success.

Are You a GUTSY Leader? Would You Like to Become One?

GUTSY Women Leaders & GUTSY On The Go

For some it’s easy to speak out, take risks, lead change.  Others need a nudge to exude confidence, to be playful, tell the truth.  Start your journey to GUTSY.  Now is the time to profit from deep collaboration and creative relationships. GUTSY On The Go, an event designed by women, for women and implemented by women!  Acknowledge your favorite GUTSY Woman Leader and learn from her.  Learn to be a GUTSY Leader while raising funds for your favorite charity and honoring your favorite GUTSY Woman Leader within your community.


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Do You Really Understand Your Work Environment? Does it Need improvement?

Cultural Compass

Every organization has a unique culture or personality that infuences the way people work, behave, and interact on the job.  That culture may be naturally in sync with your company’s vision and objectives, buti it’s not…it can secretly undermine the success of the organization.  Cultural Compass uncovers both personal tendencies and organizational “orientations” in people-related practices, freedom and flexibility, collaboration, focusing on action and goal accomplishment, adherence to mission, values and ethical standards.  This program is a powerful tool for developing initiatives to change and strengthens team or organizational cultures.

Did You Know You Have Patterned Responses?

PatternAware TM Leadership Model

How do you respond?  Do you let patterned reactions get in the way of good business decisions?  Are you a Super Achiever? Become a Creative Collaborator.  Are you a Persecutor? Become the Visionary. Are you an Avoider? You can become the Initiator!  Change patterns of behavior that keep you from climbing the corporate ladder of success.  Create action plans for change and accelerate that change using systems thinking.  Uncover core competencies necessary for a strong organizational culture. Learn to communicate without judgement, blame and attack, and build a culture of trust and respect.