Presentation Training for Experts

Presentation Training

Experts can become paid speakers, ones who receive honorariums, board seats, or other accolades. But, without the proper, expert media training, or speaker training, there will be many blind spots.

Experts are the first ones asked to speak at conferences, paid events or industry functions.  Speaking can help or tarnish their brand.  Fortunately, with some coaching and a little rehearsal, they can have all the ingredients that a top motivational speaker employs to own a crowd.

“We are not taught these skills in school” … is something we hear all the time.  These skills are invaluable and can help you build your business.


Description: The Expert Presentation Training Program is far different than most.   Most presentation trainings focuses on a block of time, a class, or consult delivered, and then the process is over. We have found that our experts have real outcomes they are trying to create.  That could be when speaking to a small group or one-to-one situation. It could be trying to get the audience to buy in to making changes you suggest. Whatever your desired result, our program is designed to chart the path.

Everything we do comes with a full year of trainer access, videos, audios, and other accountability pieces so you can focus on results and not on training.

This Expert Presentation Training Program will give you all the tools you need for talking to patients, prospects and colleagues as well as giving any presentation or speech. This presentation training workshop will give you the secrets on looking and sounding better and helping more people. If nervousness or confidence are an issue, you will learn methods that help you not only look and sound better, but to feel better during the process. Our unique Message System, Story Creation System are easy to learn and master. Our expert presentation training program will give you all the tools you need to create the results you are after. Reach out to find out about how we can customize our program around your specific needs.

This Presentation Training for Experts program is available as a private, customized workshop or join as part of a public workshop. Reach out to us to hear which option is best for you.



How You Will Benefit from our Expert Presentation Training Program:

• Have more control and create more impact
when speaking to clients, prospects, and colleagues

• Convert more business

• Have new tools for speeches and presentations

• Feel more confident and in control

• Reduce prep time

• Feel prepared for any situation

• Be able to deal with objections or questions

• Look, sound, and feel great during presentations

• Create specific actions when you speak or give a presentation.

Where is the Return on Investment?

This is a question you absolutely should be asking yourself.  Let’s face it, in addition to the money, your time is one of the biggest investments you make.  You need to see a return on time and money spent on a presentation program.  The attention to this area has helped our business grow and created a win-win relationship with out past clients.  We help you to see the return or result you are after and build a path towards it.


While we don’t say that you can never use PowerPoint, we do give you techniques to become more interesting, persuasive, and memorable.  This client felt his presentation could be done without PowerPoint. Empowering people to stand on their skills is what we teach.

What We Will Cover:

• How to look and sound like the expert you are

• How to feel comfortable and confident

• A system to to be prepared for your specific situations

• Easily organize and remember your speech

• Even create PowerPoint presentations that don’t bore or drain the life out of your speech

• Become more interesting, more memorable, and create more desired actions

Who Should Attend:

Experts who know they would benefit from improved presentation training skills. We have worked with CEOs, U.N Officials, experts, entrepreneurs, and yes…  experts like you. If you would like to know which version of our program is your best solution, reach out to us by phone or email. Click below:

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