Top 25 Media Training and Media Interview Tips

Note from the trainer. Tips are ok.
Guided practice is where new skills are made.

Media Training

  1. Know your audience: Before you go in front of the camera, a reporter or any media situation know who your audience is before you answer questions.
  2. Research the outlet: Before starting, research the media outlet you are speaking with. Understand their audience and what they cover.
  3. Be Prepared! : Know what questions you may be asked and have answers ready. Practice with a video recording device
  4. Be concise: Keep your answers short and to the point. Practice with a video recording device.
  5. Be Act confident: “Act it and Become it.” Speak with conviction and act confident in what you are saying. Before you know it, you will be the part.
  6. Stay on message: Stay focused on the topic and don’t wander off into tangents. This can only happen with practice.
  7. Know your sound bites: Have a few key sound bites ready to use during the interview. Use our sound bite tools to create them.
  8. Practice Practice Practice: Rehearse your responses and practice your body language and messages… but with a video recording
  9. Dress appropriately: Dress in a way that best represents who you are and what you do. Make sure it matches the audience too.
  10. Maintain eye contact: Make eye contact with the interviewer. Only look at the camera if it is virtual or if they ask you to.
  11. Act natural: Speak as if you are having a conversation with a friend.
  12. Show enthusiasm: Show enthusiasm for the topic and your message.
  13. Be positive: Focus on the positive and avoid negativity. Ideally that matches your messaging
  14. Add in more of YOU: Be authentic and let your personality shine through.
  15. Be proactive: Take control of the interview and steer the conversation in the direction you want it to go.
  16. Act relaxed: Take deep breaths to stay relaxed. If you look the part you get credit for it.
  17. Listen. Listen to the interviewer’s questions and answer them thoughtfully. Do your best not to listen to distractive thoughts.
  18. Practice body language: Use positive body language and avoid negative gestures.
  19. Be aware of your setting: Be mindful of the background and surroundings.
  20. Be mindful of time: Make sure you are aware of the time and stay within the allotted time. Practicing helps with this.
  21. Be aware of your tone: Be mindful of the tone of your voice and avoid monotony.
  22. Be aware of technical issues: Be prepared for technical issues and have backup plans. This is especially true when delivering an interview virtually.
  23. Use makeup: Professionals use it. It will help you look your best
  24. Be flexible: Be open to changing your approach if necessary.
  25. Follow up: After the interview, follow up with the interviewer and thank them for their time. Maybe they’ll have you back.



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