You Need to Become Your Own Media Outlet

Opportunity is knocking…

Think like a media company

Think like a media company

The Opportunity for Organizations to Become Their Own Media in the Face of Traditional Media’s Decline

The landscape of media and journalism is undergoing a profound transformation. Traditional media outlets, once the bastions of news and information, are facing an existential crisis, marked by mass layoffs, closures, and a struggle to adapt to the digital age
. This crisis is not just a reflection of changing consumer habits but also the result of economic forces and the dominance of Big Tech. As traditional media grapples with these challenges, there lies a significant opportunity for organizations, including non-profits and large entities, to step into the void and become their own media channels.

The Decline of Traditional Media

The decline of traditional media has been stark and widespread. Prominent newspapers and magazines have seen significant layoffs, and local journalism is particularly hard hit, with an average of five local newspapers closing every two weeks in the United States
. This has led to the emergence of “news deserts,” areas with limited access to local news, which poses a threat to the democratic function of media as a watchdog and facilitator of public discourse. The situation is exacerbated by falling cable news ratings and the challenges of competing in a digital landscape dominated by social media and digital platforms.

The Opportunity for Organizations

In this challenging environment for traditional media, organizations have a unique opportunity to fill the gap by becoming media entities themselves. By creating, distributing, and monetizing their own content, organizations can take control of their narratives and engage directly with their audiences
. This approach not only allows for greater control over messaging but also offers a way to cut through the noise of a crowded digital space.


Why Organizations Should Act Like Media Companies

Control Over Content
: Unlike traditional media, which is increasingly influenced by external pressures and economic challenges, organizations can maintain complete control over their content. This allows for consistent, authentic messaging that resonates with their audience

  1. Direct Engagement with Audiences: By building their own media channels, organizations can establish a direct line of communication with their audience, fostering trust and loyalty. This is particularly valuable in a time when consumer trust in traditional media is waning.
  2. Cost-Effective Marketing: Owned media channels, such as websites, blogs, and social media accounts, can be more economical in the long run compared to relying on paid advertising. While there are upfront costs associated with content creation and platform maintenance, the long-term benefits include valuable customer data and enhanced brand visibility.
  3. Long-Term Audience Growth: Investing in owned content and media channels can lead to long-term audience growth and retention. By consistently providing valuable and engaging content, organizations can build a loyal following that not only consumes content but also acts as brand ambassadors.

Challenges and Strategies

While the opportunity is significant, organizations must also navigate challenges such as content creation, audience engagement, and the need for a strategic approach to media building. To successfully become their own media, organizations should:

  • Invest in Quality Content: High-quality, relevant content is crucial. Organizations should focus on understanding their audience’s needs and interests to create content that engages and informs.
  • Adopt a Multi-Channel Approach: Utilizing a variety of channels, including video, social media, and email newsletters, can help reach a wider audience and cater to different content consumption preferences.
  • Leverage Data and Analytics: Understanding audience behavior and preferences through data analytics can inform content strategy and help organizations adapt and refine their approach over time.
  • Build a Community: Encouraging interaction and fostering a sense of community around the content can enhance engagement and loyalty. This includes responding to comments, encouraging user-generated content, and creating interactive experiences.

The decline of traditional media presents a unique opportunity for organizations to step into the role of content creators and distributors. By building their own media channels and investing in quality content, organizations can engage directly with their audience, control their messaging, and create lasting relationships. While challenges exist, a strategic approach to media building can enable organizations to thrive in the digital age and fill the void left by traditional media’s decline.